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Raised so far for our Heli2 appeal. Thank you!

of £2.85 million raised so far for the #HELi2 Appeal. Thank you to all of our amazing supporters!


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Take on a challenge
for charity

Turn your passion into lifesaving action

Embrace the thrill of pushing your limits while making a lifesaving impact with Cornwall Air Ambulance. This is your gateway to exhilarating adventures and personal triumphs, all while raising crucial funds to support our critical care services. Whether you’re an adrenaline enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, or simply looking for a unique way to give back, explore a diverse range of challenges that cater to every level of experience.


£0 a year comes from the government for our services. We rely on your generosity to keep your helicopter in the air.

Your challenge
to save Lives

Skydiving Photo. Tandem.

Elevate thrills for life-saving impact

Adrenaline challenges

Seek the thrill and adrenaline rush of extreme challenges while supporting Cornwall Air Ambulance. Push your limits, embrace the excitement, and contribute to our life-saving mission.

Step up for a lifesaving run

Running challenges

Run for a cause and make every step count in support of Cornwall Air Ambulance. Choose your distance, lace up your running shoes and join us on a journey to save lives across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Conquer new heights for a cause

Trekking challenges

Embark on epic adventures with our charity trekking challenges. Discover stunning landscapes while raising vital funds for Cornwall Air Ambulance and experience the thrill of conquering new heights for a life-saving cause.

Pedal for critical care

Cycling challenges

Pedal for a purpose and join our cycling challenges to support our critical care services. From scenic routes to challenging trails, each ride you undertake directly contributes to keeping our helicopter in the skies.

Stride towards lifesaving impact

Walking challenges

Take a stride toward making a difference by participating in our walking challenges. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll or a brisk hike, your steps can help ensure critical care reaches those in urgent need.

Travel with a purpose

Bucket list challenges abroad

Turn your travel dreams into a life-saving journey with our bucket list of challenges abroad. Explore new horizons, experience different cultures and make an impact back home.

Swim to help save lives

Swimming challenges

Experience our range of unique adventures curated by our events team. Take part in our swimming events while creating unforgettable memories.

Why take on a challenge for Cornwall Air Ambulance?

Embarking on one of our challenges isn’t just about conquering personal goals; it’s about making a lasting difference in the lives of others. Here’s why taking on a challenge with us is so impactful:


Got an idea for a challenge?

We understand that there might not always be something for everyone. If you’ve got an idea of the type of challenge you’d like to see us run next, get in touch with us!

Inspiring determination

A 10-year-old boy, Aidan Jessop, is raising money for Cornwall Air Ambulance by taking on the Three Peaks Challenge, after his mum was attended by the crew.

Rebecca Jessop was out walking with her family between Holywell Bay and Polly Joke beach on 6th April, near Newquay, when she slipped on the coast path.

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Make an important donation today

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.
