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Brave the Blue

Have fun in the cold whilst raising vital funds

Fancy a new Challenge for 2025, why not raise vital funds for Cornwall Air Ambulance by immersing yourself in cold water every day for your selected month. Not only will you be raising much needed funds, but you will be boosting your wellbeing and feeling great.

Choose a month and head to your local beach, river, lake, lido, pool, shower, steel bath in the garden or even filling up your bin with icy water – you can get involved wherever you are.

Start your cold water dips today! Discover when, where and more about the challenge below.

Brave The Blue Logo in landscape with heli above

Challenge itinerary

Challenge details

Choose a month to take on:

February – Really go for it and test yourself

July – Enjoy the experience through summer

September – Last chance before winter

Local beach, river, lake, lido, pool, shower, steel bath in the garden or even filling up your bin with icy water – you can get involved

The Challenge:
Help raise vital funds towards securing Cornwall’s second Air Ambulance Helicopter by immersing yourself in cold water every day for your selected month. Not only will you be raising much needed funds, but you will be boosting your wellbeing and feeling great.

How to Join:

  1. Sign up to JustGiving & create your fundraising page
  2. Raise your funds, share your images & videos
  3. We’ll support you the whole way through with motivation and inspiration to complete the fundraising challenge!

What you get:
Free Beanie Hat


Any queries about this event just get in touch


Cold water dipping is a lot of fun, when it’s safe. To keep you safe, we’ve outlined some of the things that every cold-water dipper should be aware of. All the links provided are to reliable sources.

TOP 5 TIPS to stay safe when Cold water dipping outdoors:

  • Go with friends, or tell people what you’re doing. There’s safety in numbers.
  • Take your phone in a waterproof pouch so you have means of contact
  • Don’t go out of your depth
  • Take lots of warm clothing to wrap up in afterwards, and a hot drink.
  • Check if outdoor water is clear of sewage spills



There’s no beating around the bush. This challenge involves the cold. And with the cold, comes some safety considerations.

Entering cold water can cause ‘cold water shock’. This is a normal reaction from the body, where the breathing and heart rate increase dramatically on entering the water. Hyperventilating in water can be dangerous, so it’s important to enter the water slowly, don’t go out of your depth, and focus on slow, steady breaths.

When exposed to the cold, hypothermia can also be a risk. Always take warm clothing to wrap up after your swim, go in a group where possible, and don’t stay in the water for longer than you feel comfortable. Always take your mobile phone with you in a waterproof pouch in case of an emergency.


Make sure you’re aware of the tide times before you go dipping. Some locations get cut off by the tide when it comes in. Surfline provides free tide time information.


Rips. It’s really key to remain within depth when dipping in wild waters. There can be really strong currents that aren’t visible, namely Rip Currents. Staying within depth not only keeps you safe from getting caught in a current, but also more visible to other’s on the shoreline.

Float to live. If you find yourself struggling in the water, float to live. follow these tips from RNLI:

  • Float to Live.
  • Fight your instinct to thrash around.
  • Lean back, extend your arms and legs.
  • If you need to, gently move them around to help you float.
  • Float until you can control your breathing.
  • Only then, call for help, swim to safety or continue floating until help arrives.

If you’ve inhaled water. If you’re ever in a situation where you’ve inhaled salt water, it’s really important that you go to a doctors to get your lungs checked. This is to rule out Secondary drowning.

It’s worth familiarising yourself with the RNLI’s general water safety advice.


Submerged objects. Don’t jump or dive into water, walk in slowly in case there’s submerged objects or rocks.

Slips, trips & falls. It’s always best to go in a group, so that there’s people around you to help should you find yourself in a sticky situation. Always carry your mobile in a waterproof pouch as a means of calling for help around water.

In a coastal emergency, call 999 if you’re in the UK (or 112 if you’re in Ireland) and ask for the coastguard.


When entering wild waters, you’ll likely encounter wildlife. The RNLI have summarised some of the common wildlife to be aware of, and what to do should you encounter them. Hopefully, you’ll have some amazing moments encountering beautiful wildlife like seals, birds and other aquatic creatures.


Before your swim, make sure the coast is clear! Check out the Surfers Against Sewage app where anyone can check in real time whether their local bathing water is safe to enter – Safer Seas and River Service app: Apple store and Google Play Sore


It’s good to be aware of quicksand – what it is, where it can be found, and what to do if you are walking across it. This article answers all of those questions. National Geographic also explains that ‘Quicksand has a density of about 2 grams per milliliter. But human density is only about 1 gram per milliliter. At that level of density, sinking in quicksand is impossible. You would descend about up to your waist, but you’d go no further.’ Always go with a friend – there’s safety in numbers.


If you’re getting in cold water outside, it’s always wise to check the weather before you head out for your swim. If there’s any signs of electrical storms, do not go dipping outdoors. It would be safest to do your cold water dip inside in your shower or bath instead for any extreme warning weather days.

Also, only dip outdoors in the daylight.


Introduce yourself to the cold water gradually to acclimatise to the cold. If you feel very cold, disorientated, or dizzy seek help immediately. After your cold immersion, warm up gradually. Always tell friends and family that you’re doing the challenge.



  • If you have underlying health conditions (i.e. heart disease, asthma, lung conditions) or any other medical conditions that might be affected by exposure to cold water, or if you are pregnant, then please seek appropriate medical advice before proceeding.
  • Do not take part in the challenge under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • We do not recommend anyone under the age of 18 participate in the challenge unless supervised by an adult.
  • This challenge is entirely at your own risk, so please assess your ability and safety before you participate. Cornwall Air ambulance shall not be liable for any injury, damage or loss to you or your property that might occur as a result of your participation.
  • We strongly advise you let friends / family know about your participation in this challenge.
  • We do not advise undertaking an open water swim unsupervised.
  • If you feel very cold, disorientated or dizzy seek help immediately.
  • After your cold water dip, warm up gradually. Pat yourself dry and put on warm, dry layers.
  • For more info and guidance on cold water, visit




By registering for Brave the Blue you agree to our Terms and Conditions below:

The event

  • I acknowledge that Brave the Blue is a virtual fundraising event organised by the charity, Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust (Registered charity number: 113295)
  • I understand the event is free to enter.
  • I understand that signing-up to participate with Brave the Blue requires creation of a fundraising page through the third party platform JustGiving.
  • I understand that the information I provide to register for Brave the Blue will be shared with Cornwall Air ambulance and used by Cornwall Air ambulance in accordance with Cornwall Air ambulance Privacy Policy.
  • I also understand the third party fundraising platforms have their own terms of use which I need to agree to and that they also have privacy, copyright and security policies on their website which I should read.
  • I understand that Cornwall Air Ambulance are not responsible for my fundraising account and I must contact the fundraising platform I have used for any issues I encounter with my account.


  • When fundraising for Cornwall Air Ambulance: I understand that all sponsor forms and monies should be forwarded to Cornwall Air Ambulance, even if I do not complete my challenge. I understand that all funds raised must be payable to Cornwall Air Ambulance in sterling. I will carry out my fundraising in accordance with Cornwall Air Ambulance guidance.


Event risks, medical conditions & liability

  • I understand that the Cornwall Air Ambulance Brave the Blue is a virtual event.
  • I confirm that I am physically fit and in good health to safely take part in Brave the Blue. I have no known condition that would affect the ability to safely complete the challenge or would cause a risk of danger to myself or others.
  • I understand I am 100% responsible for selecting a safe location to swim.
  • I have read the safety guidance provided around safe water swimming.
  • I acknowledge that I am participating in this event at my own risk and that Cornwall Air Ambulance, cannot be held liable for any injury, accident, loss, damage or public liability caused or sustained before, during, or after the event, as a result of my participation, unless caused by the negligence of Cornwall Air Ambulance. In addition, Cornwall Air Ambulance cannot be held liable for any changes made to the event for safety reasons, or as otherwise planned through circumstances beyond their control.
  • I understand that I am responsible for my own safety and my own actions (including the safety of my possessions) whilst undertaking this challenge.
  • I understand I must be accompanied by a responsible adult if I’m under the age of 18, to participate in Brave the Blue.
  • Communications
  • By signing up to Brave the Blue you are agreeing to receive information and resources from Cornwall Air Ambulance relating to the challenge.

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A donation today will help make your new helicopter mission ready

With your generous support toward the medical fit we can bring a second lifesaving helicopter to Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly, saving even more lives, Thank you.

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.


Any donations we receive will be allocated towards either our HELi2 Appeal target or our annual running costs.

Your donation will be doubled this Christmas

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.


Between 14 November – 31 December your donations will be doubled, thanks to our generous
match funders, up to the campaigns match funding total value of £123k.

Make an important donation today

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.
