The nation’s finest clinicians, aviators and fundraisers are celebrated at the Air Ambulance Awards of Excellence, and our very own Susie Croft carried off the top prize for charity staff member of the year. This is the second year Cornwall Air Ambulance has won this particular award, with volunteer manager Jackie Eastwood winning it last year.
Susie, who is married to Stuart one of the air ambulance critical care paramedics, has led the Cornwall Air Ambulance fundraising team since 2011. She has a special awareness of the life-saving work of the crew and the importance of the patient, but her particular focus is on the relationship with the supporter or donor to the charity, most especially wonderful people in the community. As Susie says, they are the real life savers.
Over 250 guests celebrated the best and brightest from the air ambulance teams across the country, at the annual event held in London. Awards hosts, BBC News reporter and presenter Sophie Long and Helicopter Heroes presenter Rav Wilding handed out 11 Awards to outstanding individuals and teams, whose stories were inspirational, astonishing and humbling. The awards, which are independently judged, went to pilots, paramedics, doctors, fundraisers and volunteers.
An enthusiastic audience listened to the remarkable stories of each shortlisted nominee, all of whom demonstrated excellence and commitment well above and beyond the call of duty.
Chair of the Judging Panel, Jim Fitzpatrick MP, said: “The stories we heard about the work being done by the nation’s air ambulance services were truly remarkable. What a tonic these stories are in turbulent political times. I would like to congratulate every single one of the nominees and send a message to the winners of the Awards that they truly are examples of what can be achieved through teamwork, expertise, courage and determination.”
We are all incredibly proud of Susie, and all of the fundraising team she leads here at the Cornwall Air Ambulance.