Charity Collection & delivery
service in Cornwall
Viewing & collecting furniture donations
If you have furniture you would like to donate, Cornwall Air Ambulance Superstores offer a furniture collection service across Cornwall.
This is arranged by contacting your relevant Superstore and booking in a viewing on a day that the van is in your area.
The shop staff will ask you a series of questions relating to your donation prior to booking you in for a morning or afternoon slot, please inform the shop of any parking or access restrictions at this time. On arrival the driver will assess the donation based on its condition, merchantable quality, and any necessary regulations such as fire retardancy (upholstered/foam filled).
We cannot guarantee that your kind donation will be taken but will do our best! If accepted, it will be loaded, taken to the shop, prepared and sold to help the team to continue to save lives.
Find your nearest superstore
Use the map to discover our collection and delivery service in your area.
Contact our Camborne Superstore on 01209 612404
Contact our St Austell Superstore on 01726 871222
What can I give?
We take quality men, women and kids’ clothing, bric-a-brac, furniture, shoes, jewellery, handbags, toys, books and DVDs.
We don’t take printer cartridges, firearms, knives, high chairs, car seats for babies and soft furnishings with no fire regulation labels dirty or poor quality clothing, underwear and general rubbish or household rubbish!
White goods, large items of furniture and electrical items are only accepted at our superstores. If you are unsure please call your nearest shop.

Furniture delivery service
When you buy large items such as furniture or white goods from our Cornwall charity shop Superstores you will be offered a 2 man delivery service, there is a charge for this based on distance but it is very reasonable and your purchase will be carefully handled and placed in accordance with your wishes.
Please measure your doors and corridors to avoid any size issues and inform the shop of any parking or access restrictions on booking.
Gift Aid
When we take your donation away, we will ask you if you would like to sign up to the voluntary Gift Aid Scheme. This allows the Charity to claim an extra 25% of the sale price from the UK government. Please ask your driver for more information and for a form to help us claim an 25% extra on your donations.
You’ll receive your own unique gift aid number for Cornwall Air Ambulance and we’ll apply it to your goods at the time of collection.