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North Cornwall musicians release charity CD for Cornwall Air Ambulance

The Barrel at Bude, North Cornwall’s only micropub, celebrated its first birthday by inviting local musicians to make a CD to raise funds for Cornwall Air Ambulance.

Musician’s from Bude and the surrounding area were invited to donate their talent for free at the three-day event in June, which culminated in the creation of two ‘Live out of The Barrel’ albums, one rock and one folk.

Bude’s own Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh, customers Jason King and Phil Williams, produced the music, which was overseen by musical director and local musician Kevan Taylor. The folk CD cover is an original drawing by local artist Harry McConville who can also be heard playing the accordion on this album. The whole process was brought together by Rachel O’Hare, co-owner of ‘The Barrel’ and Brian Newman, another customer of The Barrel.

Ian O’Hare, co-owner of The Barrel, said: “With contributions from numerous musicians together with singing by those who attended, these albums showcase not only brilliant talent but the fantastic community spirit here in Bude and our support for Cornwall Air Ambulance, an essential service to the people of Cornwall.”

‘Live Out Of The Barrel’ rock and folk albums will be launched on Saturday the 24 November with a rock/blues jam between 6pm and 9pm followed on Sunday 25 with an open folk session between 2pm and 4pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and join in.

The CDs are perfect stocking fillers and are available from this weekend through The Barrel at Bude, local Bude retailers and by post. Each CD is £6 or you can buy two for £10. (Post and packaging charge £2.99). For more information email

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A donation today will help make your new helicopter mission ready

With your generous support toward the medical fit we can bring a second lifesaving helicopter to Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly, saving even more lives, Thank you.

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.


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Your donation will be doubled this Christmas

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.


Between 14 November – 31 December your donations will be doubled, thanks to our generous
match funders, up to the campaigns match funding total value of £123k.

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Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.
