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Remaining of our Heli2 appeal. Thank you!

remaining of the £2.85 million #HELi2 Appeal. Thank you to all of our amazing supporters!

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on standby


Your funding support will make such a difference

‘We rely so heavily on the support we receive from trusts and grants. Without them, we couldn’t carry out the number of lifesaving missions that we do each year.’
Debbie-Marie Henshaw, Senior Fundraising Manager

We simply can’t purchase our new lifesaving helicopter and keep the service running without the support of a wide range of people.

We invite you to take a look at the menu of fundable items below and if you would like to full or part fund one of our important elements please click the ‘Contact Us’ buttons.


Library Resources


Available to fund

Help us gain vital training resources for the Cornwall Air Ambulance crew to enhance skills and those in training, undertaking their master’s qualifications.


Crew Fitness Suit


Available to fund

Help us improve our facilities for the crew to ensure they maintain their optimum fitness to carry out their physically demanding work. 


Crew Back Packs


Available to fund

Replace a number of the backpacks and both improve the internal storage and take more advantage of the lightweight options now available.


Helipad Repaint


Available to fund

We need to improve the visibility of the helipad take-off and landing platform for our aircrafts.


LUCAS Devices


Available to fund

We are looking to replace our highly used LUCAS devices which our medical team use for cardiac arrest patients. We need three new LUCAS mechanical chest compression devices which we take out on all our lifesaving missions.


Cardiac Monitors


Available to fund

Our three Zoll Cardiac Monitors are used to continuously monitor our patients’ heart rhythm, automatically detecting and recording clinical arrhythmias as well as patient-initiated recordings. We currently have three in operation which have had heavy use as they approach 10 years old.


Weather Stations


Available to fund

Following the successful launch of our Bude weather station, we can instantly check weather conditions in the north of Cornwall, we are now looking to raise the funds to locate a further three weather stations in other key locations across Cornwall.


Enhanced Care Responders


Available to fund

A new initiative for us to deploy enhanced care responders to attend an incident significantly faster than the main team, especially when they are responding by road or flying by night. This would allow for the commencement of enhanced care far sooner, which can then be handed over to the duty team once they arrive at the incident.


Hanger Door


Available to fund

We need to urgently replace our electronically governed aircraft hanger door which opens onto the Newquay Airport runway.

Discover helicopter parts we need your support for

Whether you’re able to purchase a specific item or could help us fund some of our operational needs, we would love to hear from you.


Main Wheel


Available to fund

The main wheels carry nearly the full weight of your AW169. Each wheel has an independent brake allowing a running landing to be steered using the brakes if required.


Radio Transmitter Ariel


Available to fund

The ariels provide clear communication at long range for the advanced communication systems on the AW169. This is essential when conducting longer range missions or late at night when less Air Traffic services are available.


Windscreen Wiper


Available to fund

Your AW169 has two front windows, which means it’ll need a second wiper, can you help keep the rain off and the crew view clear?


Windscreen Wiper


Available to fund

Operating day or night in varying weather conditions, like on your car the windscreen wipers are essential. 


iPad Mounts


Available to fund

Like at home, smart devices provide a lot of functionality that was previously provided by a lot of separate, bulky items. We utilise iPads to providing mapping, aircraft documentation and even check-lists. This efficient access to key documents in flight while also increasing our awareness of what is around the aircraft.




Available to fund

The ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter) is designed to detect if the aircraft has crashed or suffered a hard landing. It will then alert the Rescue Co-ordination Centre automatically to call for help.


Nose Cone


Available to fund

While seemingly a simple cover, the nose cone is very light being made of composite while also allowing the weather radar sheltered behind it to operate correctly.


Flashing Light


Available to fund

The strobe lights are essential for making your Air Ambulance more visible to other aircraft. This helps reduce any chance of a mid-air collision.


Exhaust Pipes


Available to fund

Unlike car exhausts, those fitted to the AW169 don’t even try to keep it quiet. Instead these advanced titanium structures protect the airframe and sensitive systems from the extreme heat our jet engines produce, dissipating it safely away.


Retractable Bear-paws


Available to fund

Your AW169 weighs up to 4800kg fully ladened. When the ground is soft the means the aircraft would sink in, potentially causing damage and danger. These “bear-paws” increase the surface area of the landing gear preventing this.


Medical Equipment Rack


Available to fund

The medical equipment rack provides storage for the large bags, mechanical CPR device and ventilator. It also allow these to be accessed in flight if the patient condition changes.


Flip Up Crew Seat


Available to fund

Flip up crew seats provide a flexible cabin space. When not in use, space to care for the patient is maximised. However, when needed these provide safe and secure seating for crew and passengers.


Float Bags

Available to fund

Your aircraft often conducts missions to the Isles of Scilly or where over water transits are required. The floatation bags are used in the event of the aircraft needing to conduct an emergency landing on water. They can keep the aircraft afloat up to sea state 6 – 6m waves!


Tail Rotor Blades


Available to fund

We have 3 tail rotor blades in total to fund, help us fly your new AW169 with a third tail rotor blade.


Pilot Seat


Available to fund

Tested to exacting standards the pilot seat is both crash worthy and highly adjustable allowing pilots to control the aircraft while optimising their view.


Medical Floor


Available to fund

While seemingly only a floor, this structure protects the vulnerable airframe both from big boots and bags as well as fluid spills. Interestingly these can be highly corrosive and cause significant damage to the aircraft without the correct protective floor.




Available to fund

This light is an 800w xenon bulb that is able to be focused and steered. Providing the equivalent brightness of around 22 car headlights, it is essential when assessing a safe place to land at night. It is so bright it has a 50m safety distance!


Rotor Blades


Available to fund

Like the rest of your AW169, the main rotor blades are a technological marvel. Designed to take the huge loads in flight yet to be light and super efficient, the shape changes along the length. They are made from advanced materials like carbon, kevlar fibre and titanium. (There are four available)


Nose Landing Gear


Available to fund

The AW169 has complex nose gear. Functions include allowing the aircraft to steer when manoeuvring on the ground while also locking, allowing high speed running landings in an emergency.




Available to fund

A huge advantage with the AW169 is the ability to provide good access to the patient in flight. However, to facilitate loading this requires some clever engineering. The stretcher can slide, pivot and is removable as well as providing storage and mounting points for other equipment including the aircraft oxygen supply.




Available to fund

Despite each engine being small enough to easily fit in the bonnet space of a super-mini car, they can produce over 1000 shaft horse power. Designed to the highest specification, they are also super reliable ensuring the safe operation of your aircraft.

If you would like to buy one of our important components, or join in part funding a component please contact us

Whether you’re able to purchase a specific item or could help us fund some of our operational needs, we would love to hear from you.

Please note T&Cs – The figures shown are a guide based on rates at the time of print, true figures may vary slightly. Your contribution will be allocated for the secondary helicopter and not to the individual part but your contribution will be noted on this web page next to your selected part. Please note you will not own the part, only fund the part within the second AW169 helicopter.


We would love to connect with you if you have any questions or want to support us in a different way.

Debbie-Marie Henshaw
MCIOF(Dip) MILM (Cert), BSc Hons 
Senior Fundraising Manager
+44 (0) 1637 838967

Be part of our innovative critical care service, which will help us to provide among the very best air ambulance services in the country.

Your Support
Saving Lives

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What started out as a normal walk to the coast with friends for 15-year-old Lewie Cole ended...

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Young motorcyclist needed blood transfusion
18-year-old Bayley Skewes was travelling to work when he crashed his motorbike, leaving him with internal injuries...

Aimee’s Story

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In 2022 Cornwall Air Ambulance was tasked to 127 road traffic collisions, one of those was to...

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A donation today will help make your new helicopter mission ready

With your generous support toward the medical fit we can bring a second lifesaving helicopter to Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly, saving even more lives, Thank you.

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.


Any donations we receive will be allocated towards either our HELi2 Appeal target or our annual running costs.

Your donation will be doubled this Christmas

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.


Between 14 November – 31 December your donations will be doubled, thanks to our generous
match funders, up to the campaigns match funding total value of £123k.

Make an important donation today

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.
