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11 Top Fundraising Ideas for Primary Schools

Fundraising in primary schools is a wonderful way to teach children about the importance of giving back to their community while having fun and engaging in creative activities. Whether through bake sales, sponsored runs, or themed events, there are countless ways to get kids involved in fundraising. This blog explores a variety of kids’ fundraising ideas for primary schools, aiming to inspire and guide you in making a meaningful impact for Cornwall Air Ambulance.

The Importance of Fundraising in Primary Schools

Supporting Cornwall Air Ambulance through fundraising not only provides critical assistance to a vital service but also instils a sense of social responsibility in young students which will hopefully stay with them for life. Join us in discovering how your school can contribute to saving lives while fostering a community spirit of generosity and care. 

11 Top Fundraising Ideas for Primary Schools

There are so many ways you can encourage children to raise money and awareness for the charity you’re supporting. Some of the below fundraising ideas for schools are tried and tested, some are more inventive to spark imagination and excitement! Whichever kids fundraising idea you choose, it will be sure to have a positive impact on our charity as well as empower children to learn more about the importance of caring for others. 

1. Bake Sales

Organising a school bake sale can be a great way to get the whole community involved in your school fundraising campaign because after all, who doesn’t like cake? Consider suggesting a theme (space, jungle, under the sea for example) to get the creative juices flowing and inspire more families to participate. The more cakes donated, the more potential funds raised! Be sure to make cakes reasonably priced to encourage more donations. You can even make a ‘show-stopper’ cake to raffle off at the end for an extra fundraising opportunity. Create eye-catching posters to distribute around the school and local community – using social media platforms and the school’s website is also a great way to spread the word. 

Top Tips: It’s important to pick a time when your school bake sale can be well-attended. Just before school pick-up is a good time to hold a bake sale as many parents will be at the school gates anyway (and kids will be hungry!). Be sure to label any allergens on the cakes you are selling for hygiene and safety reasons. 

A young girl running across a field.

2. Sponsored Walks or Runs

A sponsored walk or run is a fantastic way to raise funds for charity while promoting physical activity and community spirit. Begin by forming a planning committee that includes teachers, parents, and students. Choose a date and location that are convenient and safe, such as a local park, the school grounds, or a nearby nature trail. Decide on the distance that is suitable for the age and fitness levels of the participants, with shorter routes for younger children and longer routes for older students and adults. Provide children with a sponsorship form (or online link) so that friends and family can sponsor their walk or run. Encourage students to explain the cause and how the funds will support Cornwall Air Ambulance.

Top Tips: Arrange for water stations along the route and have first aid kits and personnel available. Assign volunteers to monitor the route, guide participants, and provide assistance if needed. Ensure all participants wear appropriate footwear and clothing for the activity and weather conditions.

3. School Fairs and Carnivals

Organising a school fair or carnival as a way for primary school children to fundraise might initially seem like a huge logistical challenge, but the fundraising potential is huge and it makes for a vibrant, celebratory event that the whole community can get involved with. Plan a variety of attractions and games that appeal to all ages. Set up stalls for activities like face painting, balloon animals, and ring toss, along with food stalls offering treats like popcorn, candy floss, and homemade treats.

Top Tips: On the day, ensure a smooth flow with clear signage, safety measures, and plenty of volunteers to assist with activities. Liaise with entertainment providers (such as bouncy castle companies) to see if they will give you a discounted rate as it’s a school fundraising event. 

A young girl looking through an arts and craft style pink and white bear mask.

4. Art and Craft Sales

If you’re looking for creative fundraising ideas for primary schools, an arts and crafts sale is a brilliant way to fire up the children’s imaginations. Begin by encouraging students to create a variety of artworks such as paintings, drawings, sculptures, and crafts, either during art classes or special after-school sessions. On the day of the sale, set up the artwork in an appealing and organised manner, with clear labels and price tags. Consider incorporating interactive elements like live art demonstrations or a silent auction for particularly special pieces. You could even invite local artists to donate pieces which are raffled off at the end to encourage more donations. 

Top Tips: Consider a theme to encourage ideas, such as ‘helicopters’ or ‘the Cornish coast’ to emphasise how supporting the art sale will aid Cornwall Air Ambulance’s lifesaving missions.

5. Talent Shows

A school talent show is an entertaining and effective way for primary school children to raise funds for Cornwall Air Ambulance, showcasing their diverse abilities while supporting a worthy cause. Even children who might be nervous about appearing under the spotlight can get involved by making posters and helping backstage. Older children may want to help sell tickets on the door. Parents and friends will love the chance to come and watch their kids shine on the night and holding such an event will encourage a big buzz of excitement. This lively and community-centric event will not only generate significant funds but also boost student confidence, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Top Tips: You could sell popcorn or ice creams at the interval to supercharge your primary school fundraising efforts. Parents love keepsakes of their kids’ achievements, so you could also sell programs at the door, or professional photos of the show afterwards. 

6. Charity Car Wash

Organising a car wash is a fun and hands-on way for primary school children to raise funds for Cornwall Air Ambulance while promoting teamwork and community involvement. Secure necessary supplies like hoses, buckets, sponges, soap, and drying cloths, and consider borrowing or renting extra equipment if needed. Promote the car wash through school newsletters, social media, local businesses, and community boards to attract a wide range of customers. Create a fun atmosphere with music, signs, and maybe even costumes to draw in more customers. After the event, tally the funds raised and announce the total to the school community, expressing gratitude to all participants and supporters.

Top Tips: Set a suggested donation amount and encourage additional contributions by sharing information about how the funds will support Cornwall Air Ambulance’s critical services.

A female teacher reading pupils a story on a non-uniform day.

7. Non-Uniform Days

This is a tried-and-tested simple fundraising idea for primary school children which demands minimal organisation by busy teachers! Name a day, then choose a theme to inspire creativity and imagination. Themes could include pyjamas, colours, or something like ‘at the beach’ to underpin the message that you are fundraising for Cornwall Air Ambulance. You could even twist it and make it a ‘teacher uniform day’ too for extra giggles. Set a suggested donation amount for students to contribute in exchange for the privilege of wearing non-uniform clothing for the day. On the day of the event, create a festive atmosphere by decorating the school with banners and posters showcasing the charity and its mission.  

Top Tip: A non-uniform day is loved by all and is a simple, inclusive way for school children to help raise funds for charity. Making it simple (and non-expensive) for parents will encourage more participation and more fundraising so don’t overthink it! Using an online platform to collect donations means you don’t have to worry about keeping track of cash.

8. Read-A-Thon

If you’re looking for fundraising ideas for primary school children which also fosters a love of reading, a school read-a-thon is it! Start by setting a duration for the read-a-thon, whether it’s a day, a week, or a month, and encourage students to seek sponsors who will pledge donations based on the number of pages read or books completed. Provide students with reading logs to track their progress and set goals, motivating them to read more and raise more funds. Consider incorporating themed reading activities, guest readers, or reading challenges to keep participants engaged and excited. This enriching fundraising activity for schools not only raises essential funds but also encourages a lifelong love for reading.

Top Tips: Invite parents to be ‘secret readers’ to the class with a storytelling morning each day of the week leading up to the climax of your fundraising event. You could invite local authors in to come in and read their books aloud in assembly to further generate a buzz about your primary school fundraising event. 

A large group of people taking part in a beach clean, with promotion flags.

9. Charity Beach Clean

Fundraising with primary school children needs to be engaging and educational, and what’s better than a charity beach clean? Start by selecting a local beach in need of cleaning and obtaining any necessary permissions or permits. Gather a group of enthusiastic volunteers, including students, teachers, parents, and members of the local community, to participate in the cleanup effort. You could even join one of Beach Guardian’s organised beach cleans to save you the organising!  Ask parents to give a small donation for each child partaking in the beach clean, or encourage participants to seek sponsorships for their cleanup efforts with donations going towards supporting Cornwall Air Ambulance’s lifesaving missions. If you’re looking for eco-friendly fundraising ideas for primary school children, a beach clean is a fun and educational way of raising funds. 

TopTips: Provide gloves, rubbish bags, and other necessary supplies, and ensure safety by organising adult supervision and emphasising proper handling of waste materials. 

A teacher in a wooden pillory wearing glasses taking part in a sponge splat with wet hair and face.

10. Teacher Sponge Splat

A teacher sponge throw is a hilarious fundraising idea for primary school children who will be tickled pink at having the chance to throw a wet sponge at their teachers! Summer term is best for this activity so you can ideally pick a sunny day. Encourage teachers to participate enthusiastically, emphasising the importance of their willingness to endure a little discomfort for the greater good. You can invite parents and the wider community to come and watch, asking pupils and parents to donate in return for launching soapy sponges at teachers. Whether you choose cardboard cut outs with face holes, or just ask teachers to sit on chairs in front of everyone, this is a really fun and popular way of raising plenty of funds for vital causes. This lighthearted and memorable activity not only raises essential funds but also strengthens the sense of community and camaraderie among students and teachers alike.

Top Tip: To make sure no one trips or slips create a ‘splat zone’ where pupils aren’t allowed to walk. You can charge a small fee for spectators and throwers alike to maximise donations. 

11. Sponsored School Sleepover

Fundraising ideas for kids need to involve an element of fun and excitement, and a school sleepover is a brilliant way of raising money whilst children create lasting memories with their classmates. Provide a movie, popcorn and games, asking parents to donate a fee for each child taking part, or encourage children to get sponsored for sleeping “rough” for the night (on a roll mat in the school hall). Either way, this is a brilliant fundraising idea for primary schools which also helps kids to grow their confidence as they support a worthy cause. 

Top Tips: Make it age-appropriate and perhaps arrange to get younger children collected after the bedtime movie. Ensure that you have enough teachers and volunteers to supervise the children.

Engaging Kids in Charitable Activities

By involving children in charitable activities from a young age, we not only teach them the value of giving back, but also nurture their sense of empathy, kindness, and social responsibility. School fundraising drives not only help to raise funds for vital causes, but it lays the foundation for our children to become compassionate and engaged citizens in the future. By making the fundraising activities fun, engaging and entertaining encourages more participation and an excited buzz in the community. All of this raises awareness of the charity chosen and boosts donations towards your fundraising goal. 

Benefits of Fundraising for Cornwall Air Ambulance

Cornwall Air Ambulance provides rapid medical assistance to anyone facing life-threatening emergencies,  medical crises and trauma situations across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. We’re here for you 19 hours a day, 365 days a year, but we know we would not be here without your generosity! You never know when you might need us, but we know that we will always need you.

Our vital lifesaving service is actually a charity and, unlike the ambulance and fire service, receives no government funding. Fundraising efforts enable us to expand our services, enhance training programs for clinical crew, and invest in innovative technologies that improve patient outcomes. All donations help your dedicated crew continue to save lives all year round, keeping more families together across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Every single penny counts – we couldn’t do it without you!

A female and male member of the air ambulance crew standing outside the helicopter on the landing pad, holding their helmets.

Educational Benefits of Fundraising for Children

Fundraising for charities like Cornwall Air Ambulance not only raises vital funds for a worthy cause but also provides children with invaluable educational experiences that shape their character, values, and future contributions to society. 

Participating in fundraising initiatives encourages children to think creatively as they brainstorm ideas for raising funds and finding new ways to support a cause. Fundraising activities in primary schools foster a sense of community and belonging, as children collaborate with peers, teachers, and parents to achieve a common goal, strengthening social bonds and building a sense of collective purpose. Engaging in fundraising activities also cultivates essential life skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving as children work together to plan, organise, and execute fundraising events.

Planning a Fundraising Event for Kids

Whether it’s a small gathering or a grand affair, your school fundraising event really will be the fuel that powers the helicopter on a lifesaving mission or the medical equipment that helps your Critical Care Paramedics deliver the best possible care to the most seriously sick and injured people across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. If you are planning a fundraising event for children at your primary school, remember a few crucial foundations to make sure your event is a success:

  • Set goals and objectives
  • Involve the school and wider community
  • Consider safety and legal considerations 
  • Celebrate your achievements by circulating news of the amount raised
  • Have fun!

It’s Not Just All About Money, Your Time is Invaluable Too

Your time is a precious gift that can create ripples of positive change. Join our passionate volunteer team, work in our charity shops, organise events, or lend a hand during critical operations. Every moment you give amplifies our ability to deliver lifesaving care.

Tell Us About Your Primary School Fundraising Ideas

If you are planning a fundraising event at your primary school, why not tell us about your event here? We can offer support and advice to help your event run smoothly, and our fundraising team might even be able to help with marketing the event or providing informational material to boost the fundraising and awareness of CAAT. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you have great fun doing it and that the children feel a sense of pride at what they have accomplished. Thank you so much for your ongoing support, we really coudn’t do it without you. 

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Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.


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Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.
