Your donation will help your crew continue to save lives all year round, keeping more families together across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
£0 a year comes from the government for our services. We rely on your generosity to keep your helicopter in the air.
See how you can make a difference...
*monthly donations help us to plan ahead to invest in our future missions most effectively.
"I'm so grateful to still be alive and that's only down to the paramedics at Cornwall Air Ambulance"
Carrie was airlifted by your crew three times for a rare & serious form of Asthma. Help us save more lives today, tomorrow, and all year round – from just £3 a month.
"You never know when you'll need the heroes in the sky"
On New Year’s Eve 2020, mum and daughter Shelley and Tarryn from Truro were involved in a head-on collision. Your crew were there to help them in their time of need.
Without your support, Shelley and Tarryn may not be here today. By making a monthly donation, you can help us continue to be there for families when they need us the most.
missions tasked in 2024
missions were to medical incidents
patients suffered cardiac arrests
missions were trauma related
Could you be the difference, when time is everything?
We’re here for you 19 hours a day, 365 days a year, but we know we would not be here without your generosity! You never know when you might need us, but we know that we will always need you.
You can help us save more lives today, tomorrow, and all year round – from just £3 a month.