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Remaining of our Heli2 appeal. Thank you!

remaining of the £2.85 million #HELi2 Appeal. Thank you to all of our amazing supporters!

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Adam’s Story


What started out as 21st birthday celebrations turned into a life-changing day for Adam Denning, when he fell from a cliff in Newquay.

It was back in 1990, when Adam had been in a local pub with a few friends when they headed outside to take photos of the view. Adam slipped and fell head-first down the cliff edge, landing in around 10 inches of water.

A local fisherman saw what happened and rushed over, jumping into a small rowing boat. He rowed over to Adam and pulled him from the sea, bringing him back to shore where the first Cornwall Air Ambulance helicopter had landed on the small beach in the harbour.

The crew got Adam onto a stretcher and loaded him into the rear of the helicopter, airlifting him straight to Truro City Hospital for urgent onward care.

Adam had suffered a stroke, a broken pelvis and a severe head injury with bleeding on the brain. He underwent a tracheotomy, and the trauma doctor told Adam’s family that it was unlikely he would make it through the night.

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Remarkably, Adam survived. He spent a total of four months in hospital, including two weeks in an induced coma, before returning home for rehabilitation.

Over 34 years later, Adam struggles with the effects caused by the stroke as well his short-term memory due to the damage to his frontal lobe. With help from his mother and support workers, he lives a full life and enjoys regular days out.

Adam’s mum, Susan, said: “One hundred percent, if it hadn’t of been for the air ambulance, he wouldn’t be here today. Even though a chap got him into a boat, he needed massive medical care and treatment on the way from the beach to the hospital, and that is what kept him alive.”

Since his incident, Susan and Adam give back to the charity by playing the weekly Cornwall Air Ambulance lottery, as well as regularly donating to and purchasing books from the charity shops.

Adam added: “The air ambulance is great, they’re the best. It does amazing work, and I like watching the Cornwall 999 TV show.”

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A donation today will help make your new helicopter mission ready

With your generous support toward the medical fit we can bring a second lifesaving helicopter to Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly, saving even more lives, Thank you.

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.


Any donations we receive will be allocated towards either our HELi2 Appeal target or our annual running costs.

Your donation will be doubled this Christmas

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.


Between 14 November – 31 December your donations will be doubled, thanks to our generous
match funders, up to the campaigns match funding total value of £123k.

Make an important donation today

Your donation will make such a difference to our lifesaving work. We receive no government funding to run our services and rely so greatly on generous people like you.
